Control Buttons

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The Control Buttons set in a radio codeplug or configuration define how the programmable buttons on a mobile or portable radio will behave. With the exception of the numeric keypad, all buttons on the radio or accessory are programmable to activate - or deactivate - certain functions (see Button Functions below).[1]


The Numeric Keypad drop-down defines what will happen when one of the keys is pressed on the numeric keypad of a portable radio or mobile microphone. The choices are:

Selection Keypad Behavior Applicability
Disabled None of the below is possible. The keypad will still work however. To prevent accidental button presses, see Keypad Lock in General Settings. None
Address Allows direct entry of Select-5 address digits when the radio is in the idle state and is showing the default display. 5-tone channels
Status Allows direct entry of MDC1200 or Capacity Max status digits when the radio is in the idle state and is showing the default display. Analogue channels with a MDC system selected or Capacity Max system with a status list.
Channel in Home Zone Allows channel selection in current zone by entering the channel number via the keypad. This can only be done when the radio is in the idle condition. None
Channel in All Zones Allows channel selection in all the zones by entering the channel number via the keypad. This can only be done when the radio is in the idle condition. None

The Emergency Short Press Duration setting defines how long the button, configured for Emergency On, must be pressed in order to trigger this function.

Long Press Duration defines how long a button must be pressed to access the Long Press function.

Dual Knob Press Duration defines how long the volume knob must be pressed to change it into channel select mode. The volume knob on some mobile models can be used to select channels or adjust the volume. The channel selection ability can be enabled or disabled by ticking Channel Up/Down via Knob.

One-Touch Access

  • The One-Touch Access table in the Control Buttons set allows often used contacts to be called by pressing one of the programmable buttons on the radio or microphone. The following settings are available:
  • One-Touch Access number relates to the One-Touch Access functions on the programmable button - see Button Functions below.
  • Mode sets which mode should be used to make the one-touch call.
Selection Behavior
None This one touch access entry will not do anything.
Digital This one touch access entry will make a call to a digital contact. The contact and channel are defined in Call and Call Type.
Capacity Plus This one touch access entry will make a call to Capacity Plus contact. The contact and personality are defined in Call and Call Type.
MDC This one touch access entry will make a call to a MDC1200 contact on an analogue channel. The contact and channel are defined in Call and Call Type.
Phone Call This one touch access entry will make a call to a telephone contact via a phone patch or gateway. The contact and channel are defined in Call and Call Type.
  • Channel Zone defines which Zone the desired channel is in.
  • Channel sets which channel the one-touch call should be made on. This could also be a Capacity Max personality.
  • Call defines which contact should be used to make the one-touch call.
  • Call Type sets what type of call should be made to the target:
Call Type Behavior
Call Alert The one-touch call will be used to send a call alert to the contact listed in Call using digital mode.
Group Call The one-touch call will be used to make a Talkgroup Call to the contact listed in Call using digital mode.
Private Call The one-touch call will be used to make a Private Call to the contact listed in Call using digital mode.
Status The one-touch call will be used to send a status message either using MDC1200 on an analogue channel or a digital contact digital mode.
Text Message The one-touch call will be used to send a text message to the contact listed in Call using digital mode.
  • 5-Tone Call defines which call should be sent when selecting this one-touch call.
  • Status/Message Index defines which status should be sent when selecting this one-touch call. This requires Call type to be set to Status.
  • Text Message defines which pre-programmed text message should be sent when selecting this one-touch call. The pre-programmed text messages are created in Text Messages.

Number Key Quick Contact Access

The Number Key Quick Contact Access table lists the quick access contacts the user can call by pressing and the corresponding keypad digit. The Number key is the number on the keypad. Mode (Capacity Plus, Digital or Phone Call) is the mode used to make call and Call is the name of the contact that will be called.

Button Location

Button Locations.jpg

Button Functions

Function Operation/Featiure/Behavior Applicability
All Alert Tones On/Off Allows the user to easily enable or disable all the alert tones at once.
Backlight Intensity Allows the user to adjust the intenstiy of the display and button backlight to suit their preferences. This is only available on mobile radios with a display.
Bluetooth Connect Allows the user to trigger the start, launch inquiry and connect process for a single remote Bluetooth device. This is only available on non-display or limited display models with no numeric keypad. It is also only available on models with Bluetooth.
Bluetooth Disconnect Allows the user to terminate the current connection with all the connected remote Bluetooth device. This is only available on non-display or limited display models with no numeric keypad. It is also only available on models with Bluetooth.
Bluetooth Discoverable On/Off Allows the user to set the radio Bluetooth to be discoverable by other device. This is only available on non-display or limited display models with no numeric keypad. It is also only available on models with Bluetooth.
Bluetooth Headset Audio Switch Allows the user to toggle between using the Bluetooth Headset audio path and the internal radio audio path when the Bluetooth Headset is connected to the radio.
Brightness Allows the user to adjust the brightness level of the radio display and front panel buttons backlight. This is only available on mobile radios with a display.
Call Alert Allows the user to send a Call Alert.
Call Forwarding Set/Clear Allows the user to enable or disable the Call Forward feature. Only available on models which support Select-5 signalling. The call forward target is set in the menu on a display model.
Call Log Access Allows the user to access the call log list to easily reinitiate a call using the listed destination. This is only available on models with a display.
Cancel Allows the user to tear down an ongoing call. If this is a Talkgroup call, then only the call initiator can use this button to cancel the ongoing call. if this is a Private Call, then both parties can use this button to cancel an ongoing call.
Channel Announcement Allows the user to playback the predefined zone and channel announcement voice files of the current channel or personality.
Channel Down Allows the user to navigate to the previous channel. This is only available on mobile radios.
Channel Up Allows the user to navigate to the next channel. This is only available on mobile radios.
Confirm Allows the user to confirm a feature.
Contacts Allows the user to access the contacts list. The contacts displayed will depend on whether the radio is on an analogue or digital channel. A contact list entry can have different numbers assigned to it based on the operating mode. See Contact List
Day/Night Display Toggle Allows the user to toggle the display scheme between the “Day” and “Night” display scheme. This is only available on models with a display. See Day Mode / Night Mode.
Emergency Off Allows the user to terminate an outgoing emergency call. When either the short-press or long-press of a button is assigned to this function, the short-press or long-press is automatically assigned to Emergency On.
Emergency On Allows the user to set up an emergency call. When either the short-press or long-press of a button is assigned to this function, the short-press or long-press is automatically assigned to Emergency Off.
Ext PA On/Off Allows the user to toggle the audio routing between the connected public address (PA) loudspeaker amplifier and the radios audio amplifier. Applicable to mobile radios only.
Flexible RX List Allows the user to enable or disable a dynamic Rx list. The Flexible RX List gives the user the flexibility to add or remove talkgroup members from the menu. This is only available on models with a display.
GNSS On/Off Allows the user to toggle the GNSS feature between on and off. When GNSS is turned off, the location of the radio cannot be shown on a location tracking application (e.g. dispatcher).
High/Low Power Allows the user to toggle between high and low power.
Horn & Lights On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Horn and Lights feature between on or off. Applicable to mobile radios only.
Indoor Location On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Indoor Location feature between on and off. Applicable to radios with Bluetooth functionality and Indoor location enabled.
Intelligent Audio On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Intelligent Audio feature between on and off.
Job Tickets Allows the user to access the Job Tickets menu to respond to the job tickets. This is only applicable to radios with a display where Job Tickets is used and configured.
Manual Dial For Private Provides the user with the flexibility to dial any private number that is unavailable in he contact list. Applicable to display model radios operating in digital mode.
Manual Site Roam Allows the user to manually roam to the next available site. Applicable to IP Site Connect channels. This actually triggers active site roaming. See IP Site Connect.
Message Allows the user to access the Text Message feature in Digital mode and MDC Message feature in Analog mode through the radio menu. Applicable to display model radios only.
Mic AGC On/Off Allows the user to enable or disable the internal microphone automatic gain control (AGC). AGC does not work on Bluetooth sourced audio.
Notifications Provides the user direct access to the Notifications list. Applicable to display model radios only.
Nuisance Delete Allows the user to temporarily remove an unwanted channel from the scan list, except the Selected Channel. The nuisance deleted channel will be restored into the scan list, for instance, when radio is powered off and back on again.
One Touch Access X Allows the user to make a digital Group Call, digital Private Call, Call Alert or send a Quick Text via a One Touch Access. See One-Toch Access above. X is a value between 1 and 6.
One Touch Predefined Talkgroup Call Allows the user to make a one touch predefined talkgroup call. Applicable to digital mode only.
Option Board Feature Y Allows the user to toggle a feature offered by the option board. Requires an option board. The option board must be configured to support this. Y is a value between 1 and 3.
OTAR Rekey Request Allows the user to request, from the KMF (Key Management Facility), the latest encryption keys for the radio. The radio sends a "Hello" message to the KMF. This message signals the KMF to send a rekey command to the radio with the latest encryption keys. OTAR must be enabled on the system. Applicable to digital mode only and systems with a KMF.
PA On/Off Allows the user to control the audio routing by toggling the radio internal public address (PA) system between on or off. Applicable to mobile radios only.
Permanent Monitor Allows the user to toggle the monitor function. This has the same function as Monitor (Portable only), which is to allow the user to monitor the traffic to ensure that there is no activity on it before transmitting. The difference is, for Permanent Monitor, once entered, the radio remains in that mode until a button is pressed again to exit the feature.
Phone Allows the user to select the Phone Number to be transmitted. Applicable to display models only.
Phone Call Allows the user to access the contact list to make a phone call Applicable to display models operating in Digital mode. Only the names and phone numbers of stored contacts will be displayed. If a contact has no phone number, their name (Alias) will not be displayed. Initiating a call will dial the phone number and not the Radio ID tied to that contact.
Phone Exit Allows the user to terminate a phone call. Applicable to non-display and limited-display models operating in Digital mode.
Phone Manual Dial Allows the user to dial any phone number. Applicable to display models operating in Digital mode only.
Privacy On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Privacy feature between on and off for the channel. This feature is not available on certain radio models. Applicable to Digital mode only. Also see Privacy.
Radio Check Allows the user to determine if a radio is active in a system without showing any indication to the other radio user. See Radio Check.
Radio Disable Allows the user to disable another radio. This feature can be used to block usage of stolen or lost radios. This is not the same as the Capacity Max Radio Kill feature.
Radio Enable Enables a radio to be remotely enabled after it is disabled.
Radio Name Displays the radio alias on the radio display Applicable to display models operating in digital mode only.
Remote Monitor Enables the user to remotely activate a radio's microphone and transmitter. A call can be silently set up on this radio without any indication given to the user. Similar to Ambience Listening in TETRA. Can be disabled in the Signalling Systems set.
Repeater/Talkaround Allows the user to toggle between Repeater and Talkaround mode. When in talkaround mode, the radio transmit frequency is the same as the receive frequency. This allows users to communicate with each other when they are out of range or the repeater has failed. Only available in conventional mode.
Replay Text to Speech Message Allows the user to activate Text to Speech feature by replaying text to speech messages.
Reset Home Channel Allows the user to reset the Home Channel.
Response Inhibit On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Response Inhibit feature between on or off. See Response Inhibit.
Scan On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Scan feature between on or off.
Scrambling Code Toggle Allows the user to toggle the Scrambling Code (base frequency) between 3,39 kHz or 3,29 kHz. Only applicable to analogue mode. See Scrambling Frequency.
Scrambling On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Scrambling feature between on or off. Only applicable to analogue mode. See Scrambling Frequency.
Silence Home Channel Reminder Allows the user to silence the Home Channel Reminder.
Site Alias Displays the current site that the subscriber radio is on. Applicable to radios operating on a Multisite Capacity Plus or Capacity Max system.
Site Lock On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Site Lock feature between on and off for the channel. Applicable to radios operating on an IP Site Connect system.
Status Allows the user to access either the MDC1200 or Select-5 Status list of the radio menu. Applicable to radios operating on a MDC1200 and Select-5 channel only.
Telemetry Button Z Allows the radio to control its own or another radio's GPIO pin logic state level by sending Telemetry commands or messages. See Telemetry. Z is a value between 1 and 3.
Text Message Allows the user to access the Text Message menu. Applicable to display model radios in digital mode only.
Tight/Normal Squelch Allows the user to toggle between tight or normal squelch. Applicable to analogue channels only.
Toggle AF Suppressor Allows the user to toggle the AF Suppressor feature between on and off. Applicable to digital mode only.
Toggle External PA On/Off Allows the user to toggle the audio routing from incoming audio or radio microphone to the connected public address (PA) speaker at rear port. Applicable to mobile radios only.
Toggle Internal PA On/Off Allows the user to toggle the audio routing from radio microphone to the connected public address (PA) speaker at rear port. Applicable to mobile radios only.
Toggle PA for Voice Announcement Allows the user to toggle the Voice Announcement routing between the connected public address (PA) loudspeaker amplifier and the radio public address (PA) system. Applicable to mobile radios only.
Toggle Mute On/Off Allows the user to enable or disable the Mute Mode feature. It is recommended to assign this feature to a Long Press button to avoid triggering the Mute Mode by mistake.
Toggle Wi-Fi On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Wi-Fi feature on or off. This feature will not be applicable when the Wi-Fi feature is disabled. Applicable only to radios with Wi-Fi capabilities.
Transmit Inhibit On/Off Prevents the portable from transmitting when enabled.
Trill Enhancement On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Trill Enhance feature between on and off.
Trill Enhance On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Trill Enhance feature between on and off.
TX Interrupt Remote Dekey Allows the user to stop an on-going voice call by dekeying the transmitting radio or terminate the repeater call hang time in order to free up the channel. This button function can also be used to end a Remote Monitor session.
Unassigned No feature is assigned to the programmable button.
Voice Announcement On/Off Allows the user to toggle the Voice Announcement feature between on and off.
VOX On/Off Allows the user to toggle the VOX feature between on and off for the channel.
WAVE Channel List Allows the user to access the WAVE Channel List options. Applicable to display models that support WAVE. See the model Comparison Chart
WAVE/Radio Toggle Allows the user to toggle between WAVE Mode and Radio Mode. Applicable to display models that support WAVE. Depending on the model, this feature may not be available if the Wi-Fi feature is disabled. See the model Comparison Chart
Wi-Fi Status Announcement Allows the user to toggle the Wi-Fi status announcement on or off. Not available when Wi-Fi is disabled.
Zone Selection Allows the user to access the Zone menu to change zone.
Zone Toggle Allows the user to switch between zones. Applicable to non-display and limited display models only.

See Also


  1. MOTOTRBO CPS Help Text. Retrieved 29.02.2024.